artist Karpovich Yuriy

Рortrait on order, oil painting on canvas

Art portrait oil - just a unique gift!
Using photos and to write a picture, we save a lot of precious time to posture, but still pleasantly smelling oil paints a portrait awarded in the form of a powerful surprise.
Grotesque portrait can also be made to photo. Describe the artist, what is your friend, partner or relative, and the result: the canvas in the style of humor, destroys indifference as a class.
A picturesque portrait may be collective (corporate) - paradno-monumental painting in the wall.

Invite cartoonist on holiday

Guests at the festival artists - cartoonists, but it may be, artists - sharzhisty seconds in the first gathering of guests to create cheerful and warm atmosphere.

Artists caricaturists for presentation event

Professional support merry spirits bright cartoons and "middle" and "tail" a celebratory event. Cartoonist Services capacious on impact, but at least holds seats on the court. Usually cartoonists to leave and take tripods, incubator, centrifuge, often involved in costumed festivals, masquerades. Services caricaturists and portraitists, and artists - silhouettes and cartoonists demand on any events (wedding, anniversary, birthday, banquet, exhibition, children's matinee, corporate, presentation, or New Year), and received a warm, because the artists - cartoonists at the corporate event or private party - show sufficient..

Silhouette designer or cut silhouette profile

Silhouette designer - it is a separate story, this is not even history, as the song. They say, "he strip the entire family" - not to believe and not be afraid ... He will have more. Because of his lightning scissors flying in all directions contrasting pieces of paper as a presentation of Bengal fire sparks, and a couple of minutes, we see a sophisticated silhouette with a spout, with cilias and flourish. And all this without the artist cuts out the outline - the second, what distinguishes a pro, first, of course - the silhouette (profile). Another couple of seconds, and the silhouette stick on the card - the picture is ready! Examples of silhouettes and profiles, pieces on the go, you can spy on the relevant page.

Caricatures, parodys and cartoons on the corporate party, wedding, birthday

When the platypus bare, and cups drained more than once, and the public is not sit even ancient old rush into a dance, here is something useful and fun associated with the revival services caricaturists, cartoonists and silhouettists. Moved guests on extended hands unesut with caricatures and friendly cartoons, portraits and silhouettes. Parodys drawn on the sheets, before the company issued a commemorative logo, frame or, perhaps, aide says ... . Pictures to hang over the fireplace in the hall, in the bedroom or in a toilet on the door (is seen at a friend ekvadortsa). Drawings will trigger the warm memories of you and the last holiday presentations.

How to order a caricature from photo

Friendly caricature can be drawn not only at the wedding or, very often, cartoons and parodys order for photos (with photo). For such drawings characterized by: a) The thought of song; b) the refinement of performance; c) the savings in time (many hours pose canceled, you can order a caricature or a portrait of "electric" e-mail); d) the time of surprise (a surprise as a gift to be unbeatable); d) the creation of really fun pictures.

Features cartoons and caricatures

There are views that differed from the caricature caricature as well as humor to satire. It is certainly true, but satire without humor - zero, and vice versa. Here goes ...

Cartoon, portrait, caricature from photo

Friendly caricature of photographs and caricature in order

On the proposal to draw a caricature from a photo, a caricature of a job, apply not only to friends. This is natural, because that can be present at a birthday, anniversary, wedding, of course, the caricature. Irons, vacuum cleaners and cars is almost everyone, and surprise, to lift the mood of such gifts is problematic, especially if other than your vacuum cleaner in humans have settled for five this evening. With the help of friendly cartoon make it simple. After receiving a gift from a professional artist and cartoonist caricature, cartoon, everyone will flatter to learn their anecdotal, group or corporate caricature. Note that the details and elements of life, which is surrounded by people, their habits and hobbies - everything will be displayed in a friendly caricature.

Requires cartoon painter, cartoonist and services caricaturists

What is required for a successful painting parodys, cartoons or pictures? Quite simply, you want a professional artist cartoonist and its services. How can I find it? No problem, take a look at the work caricaturist and if they like - it is the main criterion. Further, should send the material, which may require artists cartoonists: photos, description of the wishes that I would like to see in the cartoon, picture, cartoon. That's all. Your mission has been exhausted and can only hope to cartoonist the artist and his talent.

How to draw a caricature, cartoon

Important details when parody and drawing cartoons. In the cartoon focuses on drawing people. Therefore, usually, a large field in the percentage allocated by drawing the head, approximately 1 / 3, 1 / 4 of the composition grotesque. There are other options. Вот откуда берутся "ржачные" весёлые человечики с маленькими смешными тельцами и массивной, но позитивной репой. Here is where do "laughable" funny little man with young bulls and massive comical, but a positive turnip.

A cartoon and caricature - things no detail - yes

And not only the person, thought to be absolutely everything. As they say - all our details. Use at least the hands, they can tell a lot about the nature of their owner, or, say, shoes. That's the main conclusion: in caricature and cartoon, as elsewhere, things do not happen. Therefore, draw a caricature of all that could be described as a man: his car, an old but beloved dog, wife, clothes, baseball bat, interior, labor and objects do not forget about the overall composition. It should be noted that the work looks much more interesting when there is some movement. All this is linked, calculated composition with mathematical precision, beautifully colored picture succulent colors, then we would get this friendly cartoon or live ludicrous caricature.

Excellent mood and ludicrous picture

And lastly. Book, grant шаржи and cartoons and other images to health. A piece, a positive mood is required for everyone!

picture Creek

"The Cry" narrates the brutality and transient existence. Exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery, at the request of workers to the New 2009. (Tropininskaya School)

caricature on employee

Cartoon for company staff (lyubitelnitsy horses and people) leaving home.

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